Thursday 19 December 2019

Love is Blind (2019)

 ðŸ“¹ Is Love blind ? 
What is real ? What is not real ?
Can the nights be glorious ?
Can the days be dim ?
Some of us have eyes,
But, fail to see.
Some can only feel,
But, can clearly see.
is it that we don't wish to see ?
Or is it the way we see ?  #PoeticWithHope 

Movie Details 
Name and Year: Love is Blind (formerly titled 'Beautiful Darkness') and 2019
Directors: Monty Whitebloom and Andy Delaney
Producers: Alexis Alexanian, Lucy Barzun Donnelly and Alexandra Kerry
Screenplay: Jennifer Schuur
Cinematographer: Monty Whitbloom
Editor: Alex Kopit
Music: John Carbonara, Mick Gormaley and Linda Cohen
Country: United States
Language: English

Movie Plot 
A woman with selective perception, who cannot see her mother, is prescribed by her psychiatrist to spend time with a suicidal man that has fallen in love with her - but she cannot see either.

Movie Trailer

(Movie and Trailer Credits: Original creators and artists for creating ‘Love is Blind’. I am only sharing it here to spread the word and to inspire people all over the world.)

Post Sources
Movie Poster:
Movie Details:
Movie Plot:
Movie Trailer:

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With Hope.    

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