📚 A collection of e-books for administrators, professors, special educators, teachers and students on Special Education and Inclusion published by the Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI), Government of India (GoI) for your reference.
I. E-books from the Advanced Certificate Course in Inclusive Education (Cross Disability)
To download the e-books, please click on the following links:
1. RCI Block 1 - Disability and Implications on Learning
2. RCI Block 2 - Pedagogy of Inclusive Education
3. RCI Block 3 - Curriculum Accommodations and Adaptations
4. RCI Block 4 - Communication Needs & ICT
5. RCI Block 5 - Practicum
II. E-books from the Training Module for Education Functionaries
To download the e-books, please click on the following links:
1. RCI Introductory Training Module for Education Functionaries (In-Service Training and Sensitization of Key Functionaries of Central & State Governments, Local Bodies and Other Service Providers)
2. RCI Training Module for Education Functionaries (In-Service Training and Sensitization of Key Functionaries of Central & State Governments, Local Bodies and Other Service Providers)
To acknowledge the efforts put in by different departments/organizations & authors/experts/contributors, please remember to credit and quote the requisite reference book used by you in your work and publications (lectures, presentations, podcasts, write-ups, research papers and books).
- Team of Experts, Special Educators, Resource Persons and Teachers who worked on creating the training modules and books.
- Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI), Department of Empowerment for Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan), Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India (GoI)
- My Professors and Mentors from Blind Relief Association (B.R.A), Delhi
- My friends (Deepali and Kiran) for their unmatched curiosity.
With Hope.
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