Sunday 5 September 2021

Jesus (2020)

      📹 Behold, the Lamb of God. 

I feel, if there is something common that exists among different religious scriptures and teachings, it is love. The core principles of spirituality, perceived and experienced in  different ways or forms on Earth, revolve around love and forgiveness. Though some of the scriptures hang on to a past and a future and some hang on to living in the present, by making the most of your time (every second, every minute) on Earth.

The life of Jesus, stories and parables shared by Him, also revolves around love and forgiveness. His words, deeds, compassion and selfless love point to a way of living that is built on nothing but true love. I feel God created Love and Man created Religion. And I believe nothing will stand the test of time but Love, because, God is Love (though we see Him/Her in different forms or call Him/Her by different names).     

Movie Details
Name and Year: Jesus and 2020
Director: Josh Enck
Writers: Josh Enck, Kristen Brewer and Lisa Ericson
Technical Supervisor: Glen Brodersen
Art Direction: Jay Petersheim
Production Companies: Sight & Sound Theatres and Virgil Films & Entertainment
Production Manager: Steph Lippi
Genres: Family, History, Musical and Theatre
Animal Coordinator: Billy Shiplet
Costume Designer: Lashonda Alderfer
Country: U.S.A  
Language: English

Movie Plot
From the bustling streets of Jerusalem to the raging Sea of Galilee, 'JESUS' is an action-packed musical stage adventure showcasing the life of Jesus Christ.  

Movie Trailer

(Movie and Trailer Credits: Original creators and artists for portraying the life of Jesus Christ in the form of a musical. I am only sharing it here to spread the word and to inspire people all over the world.)

Post Sources
Movie Poster:
Movie Details and Plot:
Movie Trailer:

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With Hope.

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