Wednesday 24 June 2020

Adventures of Rufus: The Fantastic Pet (2020)

🎥 From Grand Pa's Collection of Stories.

Stories won't disappear, but I wonder how they would reach us in the future...
With the hope that humanity will preserve the art of traditional story telling, I invite you to open the windows of your mind and help Rufus save his world along with Abbot, Scott and Emily.

Movie Details

Name and Year: Adventures of Rufus: The Fantastic Pet and 2020
Director: Ryan Bellgardt    
Producers: Ryan Bellgardt, Barry Brooker, Chris Hoyt, Josh McKamie, Jerome Reygner-Kalfon, Sebastien Semon, Stan Wertlieb and Harry C. Wolohon IV 
Writers: Ryan Bellgardt, Chris Hoyt, Jerome Reygner-Kalfon and Sebastien Semon    
Music: David Stone Hamilton    
Editor: Andy Swanson 
Genre: Family, Magic and Drama
Country: USA and France 
Language: English

Movie Plot

Rufus and Abbot enter our world in search of ingredients required to create a magical dust that will help them save their magical world from destruction. Scott and Emily agree to help them in their quest and fight of evil forces that try to stop them from accomplishing their mission.

Movie Trailer
(Movie and Trailer Credits: Original creators and artists for creating a feel good family movie. I am only sharing it here to spread the word and to inspire people all over the world.)

Post Sources

Movie Poster:
Movie Details:
Movie Trailer:

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With Hope.

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