Tuesday 31 March 2020

The Extraordinary Journey of The Fakir (2018)

An extraordinary journey indeed !!

"Some are born under the shade,
Some in the shade,
Though dreams catch up,
Time plays its part,
Life twists and twirls,
Offers a ray of hope too,
Some miss it,
Some hold on to it,
And begin again." ----#PoeticWithHope

Movie Details 

'The Extraordinary Journey of the Fakir' is based on a novel by French author Romain Puertolas titled 'The Extraordinary Journey of the Fakir Who Got Trapped in an Ikea Wardrobe'.

Name and Year: The Extraordinary Journey of the Fakir and 2018
Director: Ken Scott
Producers: Luc Bossi, Jon Goldman, Saurabh Gupta, Aditi Anand, Gulzar Chahal, Grégoire Lassalle, Genevieve Lemal and Jaime Mateus-Tique
Music: Nicolas Errèra and Amit Trivedi
Cinematographer: Vincent Mathias AFC
Writers: Romain Puertolas, Luc Bossi, Ken Scott and Jon Goldman
Editors:  Philippe Bourgueil and Yvann Thibaudeau 
Country: France
Language: English

Movie Plot
Ajatashatru Lavash Patel has lived all his life in a small Mumbai neighborhood tricking people with street magic and fakir stunts. He sets out on a journey to find his estranged father, but instead gets dragged on a never-ending adventure.

Movie Trailer
(Movie and Trailer Credits: Original creators and artists of the movie 'The Extraordinary Journey of The Fakir'. I am only sharing it here to spread the word and to inspire people all over the world.)

Post Sources
Movie Poster: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:The_Extraordinary_Journey_of_the_Fakir.jpg
Movie Details: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Extraordinary_Journey_of_the_Fakir
Movie Plot: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5371168/
Movie Trailer: https://youtu.be/H1WASu-s4eA

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And for suggestions, please email me at: hoping.withhope@gmail.com

With Hope.

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